Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Projects related to podcasts

I'm Valerie, a student of Ken McLeod and George Draffan. The podcasts are the way I discovered Ken and was attracted to his teachings, so I guess it is natural that I've been active in the various online manifestations of Unfettered Mind. I follow the discussions on the UMNing site (my profile) and frequently speak up in the various threads. The online portion of UM has been my link with teaching and sangha.

My interest in the podcasts lead me to join the transcription effort that started last February. I am now the overall project leader. Currently there are three teams, Transcribers, Podcast Clips, and Taxonomy. I've also served the effort as the Taxonomy team leader.

Recently our efforts have reached the point where we can share some of the transcripts. I'm looking forward to hearing what others in the UM community and beyond have to say about them.

1 comment:

  1. As I continue to unpack the Unfettered Mind website , every turn is a delight. The podcasts have been just another rich source.
    As you know though things get lost in the audio.
    Having both the audio and the script allow me to switch back and forth or concurrently read and listen.
    The script part also allows me to ponder more of content.
    Thank you all for your effort, dedication and resolve that Ken's teachings should be shared in as many ways as possible.
